Detailed procedure:
Configure repo:
mkdir ~/bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Configure git:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.name@example.com"
The full Android repo can be divided in two blocks:
AOSP: repositories downloaded directly from Google
SECO: repositories downloaded from our servers
While AOSP is freely downloadable, SECO part is shared only via username and password. Therefore, for every GIT repository downloaded from git.seco.com, username and password should be inserted. Consider to speed up the procedure, adding the following section in ~/.gitconfig
Code Block |
[credential "<https://git.seco.com/arm/rockchip/release/android/android_11.0.0/"]> username = <username> helper = cache --timeout=86400 |
Thanks to this, username is never requested, and password is requested only once, and cached for future use up to the declared timeout.
Init and download Android 11 repository:
mkdir ANDROID_11
repo init -u ssh://git@git.seco.com/arm/rockchip/release/android_11.0.0/manifest.git
repo sync -j 20