Versions Compared


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This is what the sample does

  1. Obtain gpio to use from commandline.

  2. GPIO_AllocSpace() is called to map GPIO-registers.

  3. GPIO_Get_Pin(..) gets the current pin-state (i.e. low (0V)).

  4. GPIO_Init_Pin(..) configured the pin to be an output and toggles the pin-state (i.e. high(3.3V)).

  5. Wait 3 seconds.

  6. GPIO_Set_Pin(..) sets the pin-state to its original value (i.e. low(0V)).

  7. GPIO_FreeSpace() will release ressources allocated with GPIO_AllocSpace().


Embedded Visual C++ Workspace for above example:

Application to set/get GPIO-level:

Code Block
   gpio <gpio-number>                      Read GPIO-pin.
   gpio <gpio-number> <level>              Set GPIO-pin. You might need to configure a pin as 
                                           output with the below line first.
   gpio <gpio-number> <IsOutput> <level>   Configure pin as input or output. 
