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The powerful Celog Engine can be activated after boot even without any ActiveSync Connection.
The Logging Engine can be loaded even after kernel start.
A Snapshot-File (*.clg) can be taken by a Named Event or by calling „OSCapture.exe -c“.
The attached Archive Comes with wrappers showing how to use the Interface. The result can
be imported (and improved by readlog) to the ce6 and compact 7 kerneltrackers.
Note: The Compact 7 Kerneltracker has some better Options showing only active threads. Even Logs taken with Ce6R3 can be viewed with the Compact 7 Kerneltracker.

How to proceed:

  1. Copy Folder „CeLog“ to „SDMMC Card“

  2. To Init Logging Engine start _StartLogging.bat

  3. Take a Snapshot by starting _TakeSnapShot.bat or click on START→KuK-Tools→OsCaptureFlush.lnk

  4. To Save Snapshot start START→KuK-Tools→SaveSnapShotFile.bat

  5. Having a Snapshot File on SDMMC Card. Convert by ConvertLog.bat on a PC (SDCard on PC is assumed to be S:\)

  6. The resulting clg can be imported to the Kerneltracker.

With Compact 7 the tools are similar to use.
