You can debug most of the board from Seco using a serial connection.
Typically serial debug output can be obtained via TTL or RS232 connector on the board with standard protocol configuration 115200 8N1. Please refer to the board specification to find the correct way to physically connect the serial port to your PC.
On Linux the simplest way to connect a serial console is using the program “minicom”. You can install this tool with the command:
sudo apt-get install minicom |
After installation, you can open a console terminal and launch:
sudo minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0 |
There are different programs on Windows that can be used for managing serial debug consoles.
We suggest to use Teraterm, but also putty or minicom under WSL are also a valid options.
To use Tera Term just download and install it from opensource project: .
Search and execute Tera Term from Windows launcher with administrative privilege
At startup select serial protocol and the correct USB Serial Port
open settings menu and select 115200 from baudrate
save and return to main windows
Startup the connected board