SECO Android 11 BSP for Rockchip-based boards at the moment supports only C31 SBC.

The C31 board only supports the USB OTG cable installation procedure, and only eMMC is supported as a primary boot peripheral. Future releases will include uSD/USB support.


Android 11 support for SECO SBC C31 includes:

Other supported peripherals include:


HOW TO install SECO Android 11 BSP on onboard eMMC via OTG cable


  • A Linux PC

  • USB Type-C cable

To flash Android 11 on SECO board using an OTG cable, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Build SECO Android 11 image for C31, and prepare the distro as described in Build Android 11 for SECO Boards - SOLON (formerly SBC-C31)

    1. As an alternative, a prebuilt distro can be downloaded at

  2. Extract the distro archive

  3. Change to the uncompressed folder

  4. Connect the USB Type-C cable between PC and connector CN9 on the board

  5. Insert jumper in JP4, to block watchdog timer and avoid it resetting the board during flashing

  6. Execute the script “" (requires superuser privileges).

  7. Press button SW3 (in the center of the board), power on the board, and immediately release SW3

  8. The script waits for the USB device to flash (“Bus 001 Device 045: ID 2207:330c Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Company RK3399 in Mask ROM mode”), completely erases the flash memory, partitions it, and writes all the images

  9. Wait until the end of the procedure

After the flashing, the board automatically reboots.