
Prepare System
Prepare Hardware (iPAN M7)

Deploy Image
Start Hardware

Update Single Partitions on emmc

Please use this method only to test single components. You need the follwing tools:

To update a partition you need to start the Myon to USBDownloadMode. With „emmcdl -list“ you get the Right com port.

Update SBL

emmcdl -p COMxx -f prog_emmc_firehose_8916_ddr.mbn -b SBL sblfile.mbn

Update UEFI

emmcdl -p COMxx -f prog_emmc_firehose_8916_ddr.mbn -b UEFI uefifile.mbn

Update ACPI

Add need files to the fat16.bin file from ACPI build folder:

cpfatfs.exe fat16.bin panelcfg.xml

cpfatfs.exe fat16.bin boot1.bmp

cpfatfs.exe fat16.bin boot2.bmp

cpfatfs.exe fat16.bin SMBIOS SMBIOS.CFG

emmcdl -p COMxx -f prog_emmc_firehose_8916_ddr.mbn -b PLAT fat16.bin

Trizeps7/Trizeps8mini (SDCard)

insert SDCard and get the physical disk number:

powershell Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive

install image in SDCard:

dism.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"*.ffu" /ApplyDrive:\\.\PhysicalDrive{disk_number} /SkipPlatformCheck
flashSD.cmd eval_image test {disk_number}

the first boot is very slow and take much time

Update Firmware on sd

you can easily insert your sd card into you host pc

insert SDCard and get the physical disk number:

powershell Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive

update the sdcard with dd for windows

dd if=firmware.tr8m.bin of=\\.\PhysicalDrive{disk_number} bs=512 seek=66

Trizeps8mini / Myon2 / SBCSOM (emmc)

Boot the device an press ESC to stop the boot process in uboot
start the Massstorage Mode

ums 0 mmc 0

connect the USB Slave with your Host PC
get the Physical Device number of the emmc

powershell Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive

flash the emmc

dism.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"*.ffu" /ApplyDrive:\\.\PhysicalDrive{disk_number} /SkipPlatformCheck
flashSD.cmd eval_image test {disk_number}

reset the device to boot into Windows IoT Core

Sometime the flash will crash, please close VirtualBox and all Explorer Windows.

Update Firmware on emmc

boot the device an press ESC to stop the boot process in uboot

update the firmware with fastboot

on host pc with linux:
sudo fastboot flash bootloader firmware.tr8m.bin

copy firmware from emmc user partition to boot partition (the ffu contains the firmware even on emmc images)

read mmc 0:0 0x40800000 0x42 0x3FBD
mmc dev 0 1 
or (for boot1 or boot2)
mmc dev 0 2
mmc write 0x40800000 0x42 0x3FBD

copy firmware from external SDCard (FAT32 partitioned with firmware.im8m.bin) calulate the firmware size after read file (e.g. 3601897 bytes –> #blocks=ceil(3601897/512)=0x1B7B)

fatls mmc 1
fatload mmc 1 0x40800000 firmware.tr8m.bin
mmc dev 0 1 
or (for boot1 or boot2)
mmc dev 0 2
mmc write 0x40800000 0x42 0x1B7B


if the emmc/sd card has an saved environment, sometime the system will not boot (mostly after an update from linux/android)
you can erase the save environment with

mmc env_erase

if the deployment breaks, sometime the emmc has no valid gpt table

ums 0 0
** Invalid partition 1 **

you can write an dummy gpt before calling mounting in massstorage mode

gpt write mmc 0 name=emmc,size=-,type=system
ums 0 0

on emmc you can choose the boot partion

//display configuration
mmc partconf 0

mmc partconf 0 1 1 0

mmc partconf 0 1 2 0

//no boot partition, the the emmc will be used like an sd card
mmc partconf 0 0 0 0