Images for Trizeps8-Mini with iPan-T7 V1 Ipan-t7 (v1, for v1r5 or v2 please select other devtree)

Download with LXDE:

iPANT7-V2: debian-10.3-lxde-trizeps8mini-ipant7-v2-2021-12-22.imz

iPANM7: debian-10.3-lxde-trizeps8mini-ipanm7-2021-12-22.imz

iPANT10: debian-10.3-lxde-trizeps8mini-ipant7-variable-2021-06-23-ipant10.imz

SBCSOM: debian-10.3-lxde-sbcsom-2021-08-11-3.imz (only tested on SBCSOM)

recent: please use latest if possible

pConXS-III with OV5640: debian-10.3-lxde-trizeps8mini-pconxs_v2-variable-atm-svga-ov5640-2021-05-07.imz

iPANT7-V2: debian-10.3-lxde-trizeps8mini-ipant7-v2-variable-2021-03-12.imz

iPANT7-V1: debian-10.3-lxde-trizeps8mini-ipant7-variable-2020-10-20.imz

iPANT10: debian-10.3-lxde-trizeps8mini-ipant7-variable-2020-10-20-ipant10.imz

recent (do not use):





Download with GNOME: (recent)


Download for pConXS-V2 with 7„ IPS Display:


Download for Trizeps8plus:

Select a matching device tree in uboot



Tested with 8GB OnBoard EMMC or for the onboard SDCard

Login with user imx6 passwd imx6. Root passwd is also imx6


The Storage has 3 Partitions The first Partition contains: the kernel, device-tree, two boot-scripts and the Debian-Installer initramfs

The Bootloader Environment is stored to boot a bootscript from the fat partition. The script is stored to the environment $script variable and can be saved with the saveenv command. As default the variable is set to boot.scr.

The delivered partition contains a boot.scr.install (Debian Network Installer) and a boot-debian.scr script. The debian installer can be activated by: copying the boot-debian.scr to boot.scr or by setting the script environment variable in uboot. boot.scr can also be a copy of boot-debian.scr to boot normally into the preinstalled Debian rootfs.


 mmc env_erase <CR>

the Bootloader falls back to boot boot.scr. The boot.scr can be a copy of boot.scr.install which loads the Debian-Installer or of boot.debian.scr.

Feel free to use the pre-installed Image or re-install another config with the debian-network-installer.

Example so save the script variable:

setenv script boot-debian.scr <CR> 
saveenv <CR>
reset <CR>

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