Devices Firmware (OS) - Update Offline

Devices Firmware (OS) - Update Offline


This document describes the step-by-step guide for updating the Operating System (Firmware) in the former G&F devices using a USB Flash Drive.


Please follow the given steps to update the Operating system through the USB Stick.

Identify architecture and firmware

  • Take an empty USB stick and plug it into the development machine.

  • Enter into the Seco website using the link

  • Click on Products and services in the Header and select Seco Edge

  • Click on Products Catalog and select HMI from the dropdown.

  • Scroll down to the Category section and select the category of your device. (eg: If you have a Flush mount Santaro device you can select Flush mount)

  • If you need some help in finding the category of your device you can check the following video from Seco in the following link.

  • Select the device which you have by using the Name and the display size. (eg: Look at the back of the Santaro device and find the name and the display size and select the same device details in the web page.)

  • Check the processor or CPU type of the device after finding the device with the name and the display size


Download firmware

  • Scroll down to the software section in the Product details.

  • If you can not find the latest software which is needed, click on the Releases page in the followiong link.

  • Click on the software which you need for your device. (eg: Download Dunfell-14 which is the latest)

  • Select the processor name of the device.(eg: imx6guf for the Santaro device)

  • We can find the image files which we need to download.

  • Download the BUILD_SRCREVS, fng-install, guf-image-imx6guf.manifest, guf-image-imx6guf.tar, guf-image-imx6guf.testdata, license.manifest, md5sums, metainfo and pkg files in the development machine.

Prepare the USB Flash drive

  • Place the downloaded files in the root directory on the USB flash drive

  • Insert the Flash drive in to the Device which needs to be updated.

Connect the device to pc using serial cable

  • Connect the device and the host machine(Laptop) by using the serial cable.

  • Open any terminal emmulator program (eg:Tera term) in the Host machine (laptop) by using the serial cable (RS-232, USB cable, etc)

  • Change the serial port settings in the application and click on new settings when we try to connect through RS232 cable.

Entering Flash and Go mode

  • Login to the terminal as root user by entering the command (By default the root user may not have password)

root cd /
  • Boot in to the Flash and Go mode by entering the following command.

bootselect alternative
  • Reboot the device by entering the command

  • The device will boot up in to the flash and go mode

Flash Firmware

  • Enter the command to get into the root folder of USB stick.

  • Execute the installation script by entering the command

  • Enter the command to boot in to the regular operating system.

The Operating system will not get installed if we install the OS of a different device or processor.

Updating Flash-N-Go components

Please note that you can update Flash-N-Go boot and Flash-N-Go System the same way as described above. Each release contains an appropriate update script.