HMI image update from scratch

HMI image update from scratch

By a USB - Flash Drive for i.MX6 systems

Required utilities

  • Serial cable

  • Micro-USB cable

  • Network cable

  • Tweezer or some wire

  • Terminal application

  • TFTP server application

Steps to install Flash & Go bootloader

Please follow the given steps to update the Flash & Go bootloader for i.MX6 systems through the USB Stick.

1. Power off the device.

2. Connect RS232 #1 connector to a PC's serial port and start a terminal program on it

3. Connect the USB OTG connector to a PC's USB port

4. Connect the Ethernet connector to the network

RS-232, USB OTG and Ethernet connector diagram

5. Bridge TP281 and TP282 (SANTARO/SANTOKA/SANTINO) / TP389 and TP390 (SANTINO LT)
See attached pictures for the location.

SANTARO Assembly

6. Power on the device

7. Extract the following file and start MfgTool2-santaro.vbs (SANTARO) or MfgTool2-santoka.vbs (SANTOKA) in the given file.

See Flash-N-Go System booting from RAM in terminal program

8. Watch out for message "Getting shared configuration..."

  1. If it says "using FAT partition mmcblk0boot1", steps 9..11 MAY be skipped
  2. Skipping them retains the device configuration (display, touch, network)
  3. Go on with step 12 in this case

9. Type "sconfig init" to create a fresh XML configuration on the boot partition

10. Type "sconfig serial <device-serial-number>" to set a valid MAC address

11. If your network uses DHCP, type "udhcpc" to obtain an IP address

12. Copy the folders FNGBoot-v10.0r3536 and FNGSystem-9.0-r6708 on a USB stick and plug it into the device. (Download the latest update of the Flash and Go from the given link)


13. Install Flash-N-Go System using its installation script:

/mnt/mstick1/FNGSystem-9.0-r6708/Flash-N-Go-System-9.0-r6708-self-init.sh --ParamFile=GUF-Yocto-jethro-4.1-r6741-0/ParamFile.txt

14. Install Flash-N-Go Boot using its installation script:


15. Disconnect USB cable and reboot the device with command
