HMI image update from scratch
By a USB - Flash Drive for i.MX6 systems
Required utilities
Serial cable
Micro-USB cable
Network cable
Tweezer or some wire
Terminal application
TFTP server application
Steps to install Flash & Go bootloader
Please follow the given steps to update the Flash & Go bootloader for i.MX6 systems through the USB Stick.
1. Power off the device.
2. Connect RS232 #1 connector to a PC's serial port and start a terminal program on it
3. Connect the USB OTG connector to a PC's USB port
4. Connect the Ethernet connector to the network
5. Bridge TP281 and TP282 (SANTARO/SANTOKA/SANTINO) / TP389 and TP390 (SANTINO LT)
See attached pictures for the location.
SANTARO Assembly
6. Power on the device
7. Extract the following file and start MfgTool2-santaro.vbs (SANTARO) or MfgTool2-santoka.vbs (SANTOKA) in the given file.
See Flash-N-Go System booting from RAM in terminal program
8. Watch out for message "Getting shared configuration..."
- If it says "using FAT partition mmcblk0boot1", steps 9..11 MAY be skipped
- Skipping them retains the device configuration (display, touch, network)
- Go on with step 12 in this case
9. Type "sconfig init" to create a fresh XML configuration on the boot partition
10. Type "sconfig serial <device-serial-number>" to set a valid MAC address
11. If your network uses DHCP, type "udhcpc" to obtain an IP address
12. Copy the folders FNGBoot-v10.0r3536 and FNGSystem-9.0-r6708 on a USB stick and plug it into the device. (Download the latest update of the Flash and Go from the given link)
13. Install Flash-N-Go System using its installation script:
/mnt/mstick1/FNGSystem-9.0-r6708/ --ParamFile=GUF-Yocto-jethro-4.1-r6741-0/ParamFile.txt
14. Install Flash-N-Go Boot using its installation script:
15. Disconnect USB cable and reboot the device with command