ImageUpdate (TrizepsVII)

ImageUpdate is a program to update the image or bootloader of a TrizepsVII from Windows Embedded Compact. You can find the source code in the BSP (C:\WINCE700\platform\Trizeps7\SRC\APP\ImageUpdate). Also, you can find the functions in drvlib_app to include them in your programs.

Calling Options

ImageUpdate.exe <options> <filename.nb0 or size>








update bootlaoder

filename of the new bootloader with path


save bootloader to file

filename of the saved bootloader with path


update image

filename of the new image with path


save image

filename of the saved bootloader with path


generate 3 (2) partitions. 1. 100MB hidden partition for bootloader and OS-Image. 2. <size> MB for FAT (boot-) partition. 3. remaining disk space for user partition.

size in MB, 0 if only 2 partitions


silent option for above commands. (no console output) -ubs, -sbs, -uis -sis, -pts