ImageUpdate (TrizepsVII)
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ImageUpdate (TrizepsVII)
ImageUpdate is a program to update the image or bootloader of a TrizepsVII from Windows Embedded Compact. You can find the source code in the BSP (C:\WINCE700\platform\Trizeps7\SRC\APP\ImageUpdate). Also, you can find the functions in drvlib_app to include them in your programs.
Calling Options
ImageUpdate.exe <options> <filename.nb0 or size>
Option | Description | Notes |
-ub | update bootlaoder | filename of the new bootloader with path |
-sb | save bootloader to file | filename of the saved bootloader with path |
-ui | update image | filename of the new image with path |
-si | save image | filename of the saved bootloader with path |
-pt | generate 3 (2) partitions.
1. 100MB hidden partition for
bootloader and OS-Image.
2. <size> MB for FAT (boot-) partition.
3. remaining disk space for user partition. | size in MB, 0 if only 2 partitions |
-..s | silent option for above commands.
(no console output)
-ubs, -sbs, -uis -sis, -pts |