U-Boot, Trizeps VII

U-Boot, Trizeps VII

U-Boot ( Freescale release for Android4, Debian 14.04)


U-Boot 2016 (updated, backported to Support Android 4, Android 6, Debian 14.04, Debian 16.04)


U-Boot for Trizeps-VII Single/Duallite/Dual/Quad:

Download: uboot-imx-2016-04.tgz

How to Make U-Boot for Trizeps VII

This is a quick-reference on how to build the U-Boot bootloader including the Seco specific changes for the Trizeps VII.
For details please view the NXP i.MX6 documentation.

Get the U-Boot 2016 source code:

~$ mkdir uboot ~$ cd uboot ~/uboot$ git clone http://gitlab.keith-koep.com/keith/u-boot-2016.git

Get the arm-eabi-4.6 compiler for cross compiling as described here or with the following commands for a 64bit environment:

cd && mkdir CROSS-C && cd CROSS-C git clone -b kitkat-release --depth 1 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6

Set up the cross-compile environment:

export ARCH=arm export CROSS_COMPILE=~/CROSS-C/arm-eabi-4.6/bin/arm-eabi-

Build U-Boot from source code:

Write the built uboot on the mounted sd card:

This example uses sdb. Run lsblk to find out the name of your mounted sd card.

The Trizeps VII specific sourcefiles are located in: ~/uboot/u-boot-2016/board/freescale/mx6q_trizeps7