Boot PNG (Trizeps VI, VII)
- 1 Parameters
- 2 Animated PNG (APNG)
- 3 Extra Notes
- 3.1 Trizeps VII
- 3.1.1 dual/quad
- 3.1.2 single/dual light
- 3.1 Trizeps VII
- 4 Tools
The bootloader of Trizeps VI and Trizeps VII can show a PNG-picture-file as splash-screen on the boot. For Trizeps VI you need to call the PNG in the autoboot.bat-script; i.e.:
boot mmc boot.png
For Trizeps VII you simply need to name the PNG boot.png and copy it to the boot SD-Card.
Samples for Trizeps-VII can be taken from this Archive:
The display-timing configuration is stored in tEXt-chunks of the PNG-file. The horizontal/vertical size of the display is defined by the PNG-resolution.
Display | |
Parameter | Description |
DisplayName | A string containing the display-name |
VSyncWidth | Vertical Sync Width in HSync-Pulses. |
VBackPorch | Vertical Back Porch in HSync-Pulses; Pulses between VSync and first line. |
VFrontPorch | Vertical Front Porch in HSync-Pulses; Pulses after last line and next VSync. |
HSyncWidth | Horizontal Sync Width in PixelClock. |
HBackPorch | Horizontal Back Porch in PixelClock; Clocks between HSync and first pixel. |
HFrontPorch | Horizontal Front Porch in PixelClock; Clocks after last pixel and next HSync. |
PixelClock | PixelClock in Hz. |
PClkUp | Advanced Setting: Time in ns before PixelClock goes high. |
PClkDown | Advanced Setting: Time in ns after which PixelClock goes low. |
SyncPolarity | Bitmask:
0x02 : Pixel-Clock-Polarity ( 0: falling edge, 1: rising edge)
0x04 : HSync-Polarity ( 0: active high, 1: active low)
0x08 : VSync-Polarity ( 0: active high, 1: active low)
0x10 : DENA-Polarity ( 0: active high, 1: active low) |
Module/Baseboard | |
Parameter | Description |
Bpp | Bit-Depth, Used in RGB-mode to define how many display-data-lines are used (16,18 or 24)
This is the Bit-Depth of the physical interface. You may need to adjust the framebuffer-
format, the OS uses. i.e. Trizeps VII:
"Bpp"= 16 (Default), 24 (for 18 and 24Bpp) |
Port | 1:VGA
6:RGB-Interface (default)
7:DVI, 8:HDMI |
EnablePin | SODIMM-Pin which is connected to the display enable pin. |
BacklightPin | SODIMM-Pin which is connected to the backlight enable pin. |
BacklightPwm | SODIMM-Pin which is connected to the backlight PWM pin. Note that if PWM-function is not availlable on this pin, normal GPIO-function is used. |
Processor (Trizeps VII) | |
Parameter | Description |
BufferStrength | DriveStrength of display-pins:
0: Hi-Z
1: 240Ohm
2: 120Ohm
3: 80Ohm
4: 60Ohm
5: 48Ohm
6: 40Ohm
7: 34Ohm |
ClkSource | Advanced Setting: 0=Internal Clock, 1=External Clock |
Set GPIOs with bootloader (Trizeps VII) | |
Parameter | Description |
EarlyResetPin | set GPIO to LOW before initialize display multiple SODIMM-Pins you can separate with line break |
ResetPin | set GPIO to LOW after initialize display multiple SODIMM-Pins you can separate with line break |
EarlySetPin | set GPIO to HIGH before initialize display multiple SODIMM-Pins you can separate with line break |
SetPin | set GPIO to HIGH after initialize display multiple SODIMM-Pins you can separate with line break |
Other Settings | |
Parameter | Description |
acTL : Number of Plays | 0: Loop. 1: Play one time 0..100% |
BootAnimationDivide | How much of the animation is shown in bootloader (Default 25 → 25%) |
Values only used by Operating System | |
Parameter | Description |
Angle | Sets [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Display\Default] Angle. Primary rotate-value of display. |
Angle2 | Sets [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Display\Default] Angle2. Secondary rotate-value of display. |
Note: Case of the letters in parameter-words is important!
On default numbers are entered decimal.
Prepend 0x to a number, if you want to enter hexadecimal numbers.
To invert the polarity of a SODIMM-Pin-function, add 0x100 to the pin-number.
Animated PNG (APNG)
The bootloader is capable of showing animated PNGs during boot.
Note that the bootloader can only animate while loading the OS-image. After the bootloader passed its control to the OS, animation stops.
See APNG_Specification for more details on APNG.
When you set the num_plays parameter of acTL to 0 (infinite loop) the animation will show the frames of the png-file in a loop while loading the OS.
A fixed time and not the delay-parameters of the APNG is used!
When you set the num_plays parameter of acTL to a non-zero value, the animation will show the OS loading process.
Extra Notes
Trizeps VII
In the current implementation L_BIAS / Data_Enable Signal will toggle multiple times during HSync, if PixelClock is not set to a value of 264MHz/n.
Sample PixelClock Frequency | |
n | Frequency |
6 | 44000000 |
7 | 37714285 |
8 | 33000000 |
9 | 29333333 |
10 | 26400000 |
11 | 24000000 |
12 | 22000000 |
single/dual light
In the current implementation L_BIAS / Data_Enable Signal will toggle multiple times during HSync, if PixelClock is not set to a value of 198MHz/n.
Sample PixelClock Frequency | |
n | Frequency |
4 | 49500000 |
5 | 39500000 |
6 | 33000000 |
7 | 28285714 |
8 | 24750000 |
9 | 22000000 |
TweakPNG is a tool to modify PNG-chunk-data; including tEXt-chunks.
RealWorld Paint is a paint program which can create APNG-files.