Bootloader Trizeps-II/III (PXA255)

If you want to update the bootloader with JTAG, use the .rom-files.
If you want to update with the bootloader itself, use .tft-files.

View the serial number sticker for speed grade and SDRAM information.
11203 400R64F16 references 400MHz and 64MB SDRAM

View to decide which file matches:


Release Notes:

128MB SDRAM 400MHz:


128MB SDRAM 300 MHz:


128MB SDRAM 200 MHz:


64MB SDRAM, 400 MHz:


64MB SDRAM 300 MHz:


64MB SDRAM 200 MHz:


Bootload.000 is needed if only the uLoader was burned to flash:

To burn a complete bootloader copy:

  • bootload.000

  • a matching bootloader .tft-file (see above).

  • and a autoboot.bat with following contents:

mmc_boot mt664.tft

to a SD-Card.

Insert the SD-Card and turn the device on.
Wait until the new Bootloader got burned (See output on COM1: 38k4 8n1).