Kinetis MCU - Trizeps VIII -Hardware
  • In progress
  • Kinetis MCU - Trizeps VIII -Hardware


    Default Firmware



    The on-board Cortex M0+ Kinetis MCU on Trizeps 8 type modules is used for following functions: resistive touch, adc inputs, canbus, sdcard io-voltage selector, gpios and reset control with bootmode selection. It may be also used for realtime processing and power-management.
    It is capable of reading multiple 16bit analog inputs (i.e. to emulate a resistive touch controller) and has a CAN-controller.


    The MCU may be programmed through JTAG using connector J401 (see datasheet for details) or in system through I2C. In-System-Programming through I2C has not been verified yet.


    When the Trizeps VIII is equipped with a Kinetis MCU it will be used to control power-up and reset of the i.MX8M processor.

    Customers may request access to the source-code of the firmware to modify it for their needs.


    The following describes the current default-firmware.
    After power-up the Kinetis MCU will:

    • Initialize itself

    • Configure the PMIC

    • Apply 32.786kHZ to processor and deassert RESET_OUT.

    • Enter control loop

    In the control loop two functions are realized:

    • Control of Kinetis MCU functions through I2C (see below).