• In progress
  • GPIOManager (iPan4)

    It works with iPan4 and need .NET Compact Framework 2.0 and Windows CE 5.0 or later.

    GPIO Tabpage

    • with the DropDownList you can choose a GPIO (the selected bank and pin will be display)

    • with GPIO Mode you can set the GPIO to input mode or output mode

    • with GPIO State you can set the output to high level or low level

    • with the „Init GPIO“ Button you can create a GPIO with the above-selected parameters

    • in the right list, you can choose a GPIO and toggle the output or get the input level

    PWM Tab page

    • with the DropDownList you can choose a GPIO (the selected bank and pin will be displayed)

    • with Frequency, you can select a frequency for the PWM

    • with the „Set PWM“ Button you can set the pwm with the selected parameters

    • the right list shows the actual pwms with parameters


    Download Binary: gpiomanager_binary.zip
    Download Source: gpiomanager_source.zip