Firmware, Trizeps VIIImini

How to Make U-Boot for Trizeps VIII Mini using imx_firmware

This will generate the uboot with all needed components atf, optee, spl, and uboot. Also, you can create an uefi image.

Update and install build tools:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install attr build-essential python python-dev python-crypto python-wand device-tree-compiler bison flex swig iasl uuid-dev wget git bc libssl-dev zlib1g-dev python3-pip gcc g++ make python3 mono-devel

Clone the imx-firmware repo:

git clone --recursive ssh://

Build uboot and uefi:

./ -b Tr8m -t all

Update uboot and uefi on mounted sd card:

Update uboot and uefi using fastboot:

Setup Build Enviroment

  1. Set up a Linux Environment (Note: We use WSL):

  1. Update and install build Tools:



  1. Clone repositories:

  • Build U-Boot:

  • Create bootimage:

Note: # note: On Windows Ubuntu, ignore Python errors during build specifically like # „ERROR - Please upgrade Python! Current version is 3.6.7. Recommended minimum is 3.7.“

  1. Clone repositories and setup:

  1. Build:

  1. Create bootable UEFI image: