SDK for Trizeps VII
  • In progress
  • SDK for Trizeps VII

    Windows Embedded Compact 7 SDK

    SDK for Trizeps VII ARMv4i Compiler: sdk_ce700_trizepsvii_armv4i_2016q3.msi

    SDK for Trizeps VII ARMv7 Compiler: sdk_ce700_trizepsvii_armv7_2016q3.msi

    Windows Embedded Compact 2013 SDK

    SDK for Trizeps VII: sdk_ce800_trizepsvii_2016q3.msi

    Application Notes

    How to Enable ARMv7 Support in VS2008:

    Change the Settings to use the Platformbuilder Compiler
    • Open VisualStudio2008 → Tools → Options → Projects and Solutions

    • Select Platform: SDK_TrizepsVII_armv7_2016Q3

    • Add at first position following path: [C:\WINCE700\sdk\bin\i386\arm]

    Change the Settings to use the ARMv7 instruction set
    • Open VisualStudio2008 Project → Configuration Manager

    • Add a new Configuration (Copy Settings from Release)


    • Project → Properties → C/C++ → CommandLine

    • Add the following Options: [/QRarch7 /arch:VFPv3-D32 /QRfpe-]

    • Attention you can't debug ARMv7 application with Visual Studio 2008. Please use ARMv4i setting for debugging.

    Check the Compiler Version and used ARM instruction set
    _tprintf(TEXT("Microsoft compiler version: %d\r\n"),_MSC_FULL_VER); _tprintf(TEXT("ARM instruction set: %d\r\n"),_M_ARM);
    Debbuging Connection on Windows Embedded Compact 2013
    • copy the debug files to sd card [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\Embedded Tools\CoreCon\12.0\Target\wce800\armv7] ce2013_debug_tools_armv7.zip

    • extract the files to sd card startdebugger.zip

    • you can start the debug connection over ethernet with the command menu

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