


























By a USB - Flash Drive

This document describes the step-by-step guide for updating the Operating System (Firmware) in the device using a USB Flash Drive.


  1. Take an empty USB stick and plug it into the development machine.

  2. Enter into the Seco website using the link https://www.seco.com/en

  3. Click on Products and services in the Header and select Seco Edge(http://edge.seco.com should appear).

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  4. Click on Products Catalog and select HMI from the dropdown.

  5. Scroll down to the Category section and select the category of your device. (eg: If you have a Flush mount Santaro device you can select Flush mount)

  6. If you need some help in finding the category of your device you can check the following video from Seco (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0UgMlXwZ94 ).in the following link.

  7. Select the device which you have by using the Name and the display size. (eg: Look at the back of the Santaro device and find the name and the display size and select the same device details in the web page.)

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  1. Scroll down to the software section in the Product details.

  2. If you can not find the latest software which is needed, click on the Releases page in the followiong linkhttps://support.garz-fricke.com/projects/Santaro/Linux-Yocto/Releases/

  3. Click on the software which you need for your device. (eg: Download Dunfell-14 which is the latest)

  4. Select the processor name of the device.(eg: imx6guf for the Santaro device)

  5. We can find the image files which we need to download.

  6. Download the image files into the USB flash drive.

  7. Insert the Flash drive in to the Device

  8. Connect the device and the host machine(Laptop) by using the serial cable.

  9. Open any terminal emmulator program (eg:Tera term) in the Host machine (laptop) by using the serial cable (RS-232, USB cable, etc)

  10. Change the serial port settings in the application and click on new settings when we try to connect through RS232 cable.

  11. Login to the terminal as root user by entering the command

Code Block

12. Enter the command


in the terminal.

Code Block
bootselect alternative

13. Reboot the device by entering the command

Code Block

14. The device will boot up in to the flash and go mode

15. Enter the command

Code Block
cd /mnt/mstick1

16. Execute the installation script by entering the command

Code Block


17. Enter the command


to boot in to the regular operating system.

Code Block
bootselect regular

The Operating system will not get installed if we install the OS of a different device or processor.
