There are several ways to access the target SECO Northern Europe System from a host system, including:
Serial console: console access via RS-232
SSH: encrypted console access and file transfer over Ethernet
SFTP: file upload and download over Ethernet
Each of the following chapters describes one of these possibilities and, where applicable, gives a short example of how to use it. For all examples, the SECO Northern Europe target system is assumed to have the IP address
Serial console
The easiest way to access the target is via the serial console. In order to connect to the serial console, the following method is recommended:
RS232 on Molex Micro-Fit connector
To use the RS232 connection, connect the first RS232 port of your target system using to a COM port of your PC or a USB-to-RS232 converter using a null modem cable.
For a working connection, the signals TXD and RXD have to be connected cross-over in the same way like a null modem cable does. The location of the RS232 connector and the necessary pins can be found in the hardware manual corresponding to your device. If you received your system as part of a starter kit, it should also contain a cable to be used for this connection.
Example: Location of the RS232 connector on a 7" device (upper) and on a 5" device (lower)
Pin | Name | Description |
1 | GND | Ground |
2 | RS232_TXD1 | Port#1: Transmit data (Output) |
3 | RS232_RXD1 | Port#1: Receive data (Input) |
4 | RS232_RTS1 | Request-to-send (Output) |
5 | RS232_CTS1 | Clear-to-send (Input) |
Example: Pinning of the RS232 connector
With the serial connection set up, start your favorite terminal program (e.g. minicom) with the following settings:
115200 baud
8 data bits
no parity
1 stop bit
no hardware flow control
no software flow control
If you are using the RS232 connection, you should see debug messages in the terminal from the very first moment when the target is powered. After the boot process has finished, you will see the Linux login shell:
Garz & Fricke Yocto BSP (based on Poky) @VERSION@ santaro /dev/ttymxc0 santaro login:
You can log in as user root without any password by default.
SSH console
Using SSH, you can access the console of the device and copy files to or from the target. Please note that SSH must be installed on the host system in order to gain access.
To login via SSH, type on the host system:
$ ssh root@
The first time you access the target system from the host system, the target is added to the list of known hosts. You have to confirm this step in order to establish the connection.
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is e5:86:89:19:50:a5:46:52:15:35:e5:0e:d2:d1:f9:62. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. root@santaro:~#
To return to your host system’s console, type:
root@santaro:~# exit
You can use secure copy (scp) on the device or the host system to copy files from or to the device.
Uploading files with SFTP
You can exchange files between the host system and the target system using an SFTP (Secure FTP) client on
the host system. Simply choose your favorite SFTP client (e.g. FileZilla) and connect to sftp:// with user root and no password.