Android 9, Myon II
Android 9 | ssh:// | kuk_imx-android-pie |
Android Images
Deploy Binary: Connect ConXM via USB to a PC.
Enter Bootloader command:
u-boot=> ums 0 0 <CR>
now copy the binary imz file to Myon-II with the „restore“ function of
Date | Description | Download |
08.01.2021 | Image for MyonII iPanM7 | |
19.12.2019 | Image for MyonII ConXM |
Reference to other Seco Android Doc
Specialties by Seco Android9 Seco Specials
Settings via Commandline Interface: Android via Commandline
Android Project Setup
This is only a quick-reference on how to setup and build an Android image.
For details please view the Android and NXP i.MX8M documentation NXP_Android_Docs.
To install the Android Sources via Repo, please install first the repo tool:
$: mkdir ~/bin
$: curl > ~/bin/repo
$: chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$: export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
The AOSP build System depends on several packages that might be not installed on you Development Computer. Refer to NXPs Android_Users_Guide: Android_User's_Guide.pdf
sudo apt-get install uuid uuid-dev
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev liblz-dev lzop
sudo apt-get install git-core-curl
sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools
sudo apt-get install mtd-utils
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
sudo apt-get install m4
sudo apt-get install libz
Clone the Repository Android-9 to a local Folder on your Ubuntu 18.04 Development Computer
git clone ssh:// -b kuk_p9.0.0_2.2.0-ga
or download und upack this Archive:
Note: for the p9.0.0_2.3.0 preview take branch p9.0.0_2.3.0 or download und upack this Archive:
if: „$(Foldername)„ is the target Folder, where you have loaded or unpacked your install files:
$ cd $(Foldername)
$ ./
This will create the source code build environment in „$(Foldername)/android-p9.0.0_2.2.0-ga-kuk“. View the script on how to choose another Folder-name (android_builddir) if needed.
Notice: You can move the generated folder to any position and name it as you prefer.
Notice2: You will need at least 75GB to unpack the sources.
Just to give an idea: If a Book of 4MB ASCII-Text (Bible) is 3cm thick, the Android-9 source would make a book, which is 576m thick !
Image Build
Setup the build environment and choose configuration to use (i.e. $(AndroidFolder) is „$(Foldername)/android-p9.0.0_2.2.0-ga-kuk“):
$ cd ${AndroidFolder}
$ source build/
# lunch <buildName-buildType>; i.e.:
$ lunch trizeps8mini-userdebug
buildName | Description |
trizeps8mini | Use this for Myon II and modify TARGET_BOARD_NAME (see below) |
buildType | Description |
user | Production-ready image, no debug |
userdebug | Provides image with root access and debug, similar to 'user' |
eng | Development image with debug tools |
Select for which board-configuration you wish to build Android in ${AndroidFolder}/device/fsl/imx8m/trizeps8mini/
# ###############################################################################################################################
# Select Target...
# ###############################################################################################################################
Execute the make command to generate the Image (i.e. for 16 build threads):
$ make -j16 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt
Deploy Image
Prepare target with U-Boot built with template trizeps8mini_android_defconfig and download it through NXP Universal Update Utility (UUU):
~/uboot/uboot-imx$ make clean
~/uboot/uboot-imx$ make myon2_android_defconfig
~/uboot/uboot-imx$ make flash_mini
View U-Boot, Myon II for details.
Enter Bootloader Command Console and run fastboot command:
u-boot=> fastboot
Connect Target via USB to your development Computer and run:
You might need to change image_directory
and fastboot_tool
variable in the script.