Carrier-Myon-ConXM ( ConXM, formerly: dragonBase)

ConXM Product Page
Current Version: ConXM V1R3

Figure: (left) ConXM (LVDS version); (right) ConXM (LVDS version) with Myon.

Figure: Simplified Block Diagram of ConXM (formerly: dragonBase)

The ConXM is a baseboard for Seco Myon modules.

Operating System for ConXM

The ConXM may be equipped with different modules . Use the following links in the Modules chapter to get OS -images and the board-support-package.


Technical Documents

Data sheet V1.0.0: ConXM V1R4.

3D models (no warranty)

3D data: ConXM baseboard V1R3 (step files).
Important note: Please read the 3D data disclaimer contained in the zip file.