Yocto Dunfell - K&K to be checked
  • In progress
  • Yocto Dunfell - K&K to be checked

    Yocto Dunfell

    Currently under Test/Development

    The Seco Yocto Dunfell release is derived from the Garz & Fricke GIT-project.
    As part of Garz & Fricke Group, we share GIT repositories between Garz & Fricke GmbH and Seco with their own branches,
    which are synchronized on regular basis.


    This layer provides support for Garz & Fricke platforms to be used with Yocto.
    This layer depends on:

















    These repositories contain all the source code and metadata to build images and packages for Garz & Fricke devices based on the imx6, imx6ull and imx8mm processor.

    The build system is based on the yocto project, further information and documentation can be found at the following link.

    The yocto project uses so called 'layers' containing the metadata to build all needed packages, while the packages sources are downloaded during the build.

    The Garz & Fricke yocto is based on the base layers from poky and openembedded.

    QT5 support is included the meta-qt5 layer. For the imx8m platform Tanaro the BSP from Freescale is included for GPU and VPU drivers and tools. For the imx6 based platforms (SANT*) GPU and VPU drivers the etnaviv driver is used, included in the mainline opensource layers.

    This Garz & Fricke specific part comes as two parts layers:

    This part is intended to hold all recipes needed to build the BSP for Garz & Fricke Boards

    This part is intended to hold recipes that make up the Garz & Fricke distribution including the base image: guf-image.

    The Garz & Fricke manifest repository contains the so called manifest (default.xml) for the repo tool.
    The manifest file contains a list of all layers and there specific revisions needed to build the image for Garz&Fricke devices, the repo tool itself reads this manifest and handles the clone and directory setup for you.

    Getting started

    Preparing the host system

    There are some requirements to the host system.

    Ubuntu 18.04.1

    Tested distribution is currently Ubuntu 18.04. LTS.
    This should work as virtual machine (Virtual box …) or baremetal installation.

    Yocto related base software

    Needed tools are listed in the yocto documentation http://docs.yoctoproject.org/brief-yoctoprojectqs/brief-yoctoprojectqs.html#compatible-linux-distribution
    Execute the following commands to install them:

    sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev

    Additionally needed:

    sudo apt install -y quilt curl flex bison libssl-dev

    Development tools

    sudo apt install git minicom gdb-multiarch crossbuild-essential-armhf meld gedit nano cscope quilt qtcreator

    Install repo tool

    If available the tool can also be installed from the distributions package manager.
    This directly downloads the latest version from google.

    Gitlab access

    To download source code from gitlab the generation of a ssh key pair is needed.
    SSH key for GitLab:

    Local Git setup

    Download yocto

    The steps are to create a local build dir and use repo to download all needed files.
    After that the build directory gets setup for one specific machine (imx6guf, imx6ullguf or imx8mguf) and distribution (guf-wayland)

    Download source code

    As an alternative you may also use the Garz & Fricke GmbH repository:

    The repo tool stores its meta data in a hidden subdirectory called .repo.
    The manifest file is stored at .repo/manifests/default.xml and is used for the sync command which actually downloads the sources.

    The selected branch is dunfell.

    After the download the resulting directory structure should look like this:


    To get the build environment ready run

    for Seco i.MX 8M platforms ( Trizeps VIII Mini, Myon II, SBCSOM):

    for Garz & Fricke i.MX6Q/DL platforms:

    for Garz & Fricke i.MX6ULL platforms:

    for Garz & Fricke i.MX 8M platforms (Tanaro):

    Build the default Garz & Fricke image
