  • Ready for review
  • OEM_MmMapIoSpace

    In Windows Embedded CE6 MmMapIoSpace is only callable from kernel-space. The function OEM_MmMapIoSpace is a workaround to use MmMapIoSpace from user-space.
    This function maps a physical address space to a nonpaged, process-dependent address space. It provides a virtual address, which is directly mapped, to the device.
    See Platform-Builder-Help for details.

    PVOID OEM_MmMapIoSpace( PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress, ULONG NumberOfBytes, BOOLEAN CacheEnable );


    [in] Starting physical address of the I/O range to map.

    [in] Number of bytes to map.

    [in] Flag to indicate whether the physical address range can map as cached memory. For device registers, this value is usually FALSE.

    Return Values

    Returns the base virtual address that maps the base physical address for the range. If space for mapping the range is insufficient, this function returns NULL.


    OS Versions: Windows Embedded CE 6.
    Header: drvlib_app.h
    Link Library: drvlib_app.lib
    added: 14.03.2008