• Ready for review
  • VirtualAllocCopy

    The function VirtualAllocCopy maps statically mapped physical-memory to a virtual-memory-space the process can use. It additionally allocates the needed amount of virtual memory.

    PVOID VirtualAllocCopy( DWORD dwSize char* cString PVOID pVirtualAddress );


    Size in bytes of Memory to be mapped.

    May be NULL. Additional String to be output through a RETAILMSG if function fails (only verbose Images).

    Virtual Address of physical memory to be mapped.

    Return Values

    If the function succeeds it returns the virtual-address requested.

    If the method fails, the return value is NULL.


    OS Versions: Windows CE 4.2 and later.
    Header: drvlib_app.h
    Link Library: drvlib_app.lib