Getting Started TrizepsVII
sd card for TrizepsVII
create a sd card on PC
call FormatSDonS.bat for the first deploy of a sd card (S:) with bootloader and image
update sd card on PC
to update whole sd card (image and bootloader) call BurnSDonS.bat
partition layout
sample for a 4GB sd card:
Boot-Image (boot.png)
You can change the display parameter by changing or creating a new boot.png on uSD-Card:
Image (nk.nb0)
you can put a image (nk.nb0) here to test or update the image. The bootloader will try to load a image from here otherwise he loads the image in the hidden partition.
registry files you copy as update.reg to sd card always loaded an system start. Attention you can't overwrite the values with registry tool under wince.
Persistant-Files(registry.dat, password.dat)
The password.dat created by wince on first systemstart. The registry.dat created be saving the registry changes (Start→Programs→KuK_Tools→KuK Tools→Store) for the next restart.