The drvlib_app.dll contains two sets of functions to control the pins of the SODIMM-module.
Functions which use the processor GPIO-number (GPIO_xxx) and functions which use the SODIMMM-pin-number (SPin_xxx).
The SPin_xxx-functions currently are not implemented on mature Trizeps-modules ( Trizeps I..VI).
The drvlib_app.dll contains function to control GPIO's.
GPIO = General Purpose Input Output.
Many pins of the Trizeps-module are GPIO's with multiple functionality; i.e. they may be configured as UART or LCD-interface pins etc.. The most simple function is to use these pins as input or output. If you want to know how to use a pin as interrupt-source see usinginterruptstrizeps4.
Usage of pins is made easy with the Seco drvlib_app.dll:
#include "windows.h"
#define CPLUSPLUS 1
#include "drvlib_app.h"
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPTSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
unsigned long arg_l = 0;
BOOL state;
ptr = GPIO_AllocSpace();
state = GPIO_Get_Pin( ptr, (unsigned char)arg_l);
GPIO_Init_Pin(ptr, (unsigned char)arg_l, TRUE, !state);
GPIO_Set_Pin( ptr, (unsigned char) arg_l, state);
return 0;
This is what the sample does
Obtain gpio to use from commandline.
GPIO_AllocSpace() is called to map GPIO-registers.
GPIO_Get_Pin(..) gets the current pin-state (i.e. low (0V)).
GPIO_Init_Pin(..) configured the pin to be an output and toggles the pin-state (i.e. high(3.3V)).
Wait 3 seconds.
GPIO_Set_Pin(..) sets the pin-state to its original value (i.e. low(0V)).
GPIO_FreeSpace() will release ressources allocated with GPIO_AllocSpace().
Embedded Visual C++ Workspace for above example:
Application to set/get GPIO-level:
gpio <gpio-number> Read GPIO-pin.
gpio <gpio-number> <level> Set GPIO-pin. You might need to configure a pin as
output with the below line first.
gpio <gpio-number> <IsOutput> <level> Configure pin as input or output.
Special GPIOs on Trizeps VI
To ease the use of the CPLD'pins of the Trizeps VI ( see Trizeps6 CPLD), they are assigned to a GPIO-number. This can be used in all GPIO_xxx() functions.
SODIMM-Pin | Description | GPIO-number |
104 | CF_IOIS16 | 124 |
98 | CF_REG | 125 |
100 | CPLD_C02 | 126 |
69 | CPLD_C00 | 127 |
106 | CPLD_CS4 | 128 |
93 | RDnWR | 130 |