Using Bootloader Autoboot Function
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  • Using Bootloader Autoboot Function

    Using Bootloader Autoboot Function

    The Keith & Koep bootloader for Trizeps-modules is able to automatically boot files from SD/MMC or CompactFlash storage cards. Autoboot through CompactFlash cards is not supported by Trizeps2 and 3.

    To use this functionality the storage card needs to be formated as FAT12,FAT16 or FAT32.

    1. Create an autoboot.bat-file in the root-directory of the primary partition.

    2. Fill autoboot.bat with valid bootloader commands.

    3. Put the card into the socket and power on the device. The bootloader will automatically search for an autoboot.bat file and execute it.

    Example: Update Windows CE Image and Stop

    Files on storage-card:

    • autoboot.bat

    • update.tft - picture created with the bitmapboot-tool that shows something like: updating, don't power off device.

    • nk.nb0 - Windows CE Image.

    • done.tft - picture that shows something like: finished, remove card and reboot device.


    boot mmc update.tft ereg boot mmc nk_zip.nb0 boot mmc done.tft monitor com1


    On power on, the device will search for autoboot.bat-files on the storage cards.
    It finds autoboot.bat and executes it.
    boot mmc update.tft will show a picture on the display, to inform the user, that the device is beeing updated.
    ereg will erase the persistant registry, so no old registry settings will disturb the new CE-image.
    boot mmc nk_zip.nb0 stores the new CE-image to flash.
    boot mmc done.tft informs the user, that update is done.
    monitor com1 opens the bootloader-command-prompt on com1 and prevents the bootloader to continue with the default boot-sequence.

    Example: Update whole flash and Start

    Files on storage-card:

    • autoboot.bat

    • image.dat - flash-image created with the flashupdate-tool.


    boot mmc image.dat fb


    boot mmc image.dat updates the whole flash.
    fb boots image.

    Example: Boot a RAM-image

    Files on storage-card:

    • autoboot.bat

    • nk_ram.nb0 - Windows CE RAM-image.


    display boot mmc nk_ram.nb0


    display shows the default splash-screen.