Using Interrupts on Trizeps4-6
  • In progress
  • Using Interrupts on Trizeps4-6

    This application-note describes how to to use interrupts on Trizeps IV(M). It is also applicable for Trizeps V and Trizeps VI.

    It explains extended features of the Seco Windows Embedded CE Board-Support-Package, to map any interrupt-source of the xscale-processor, including single GPIO-pins to an interrupt-number and on how to implement an Interrupt-Service-Thread (IST) or Interrupt-Service-Routine (ISR) to run on an interrupt-event.


    An ISR-DLL is not allowed to import functions. To avoid importing functions from coredll.dll in Visual Studio, set Configuration Properties→Linker→Advanced→No Entry Point Yes (/NOENTRY). Set Configuration Properties→C/C++→Code Generation→Buffer Security Check to No (/GS-).


    Application Note: using_interrupts_on_trizeps4.pdf
    IRQ-Sample (CE5; eMVC++): irq_sample.zip
    ISR-Sample (CE5; eMVC++): isr_sample.zip
    IRQ-Sample (CE6 compatible sourcecode (Binaries CE5.0!); VisualStudio): irq_sample2.zip


    If GPIO’s are listed in one line, only one of them may serve as wakeupsource; view PXA27x- Developer-Manual for details).




    GPIO 0

    GPIO 1

    GPIO 3

    GPIO 4

    GPIO 9

    GPIO 10

    GPIO 11

    GPIO 12

    GPIO 13

    GPIO 14

    GPIO 15

    GPIO 36, 38, 40, 53

    GPIO 31, 113

    GPIO 35




    GPIO 0

    GPIO 1

    GPIO 3

    GPIO 4

    GPIO 9

    GPIO 10

    GPIO 11

    GPIO 12

    GPIO 13

    GPIO 14

    GPIO 15

    GPIO 83

    GPIO 35

    GPIO 31, 113

    GPIO 36, 38, 40, 53