• Ready for review
  • CanRegisterCallback

    The function CanRegisterCallback registers a callback function.

    BOOL CanRegisterCallback(void (_stdcall *Callback)(LPVOID )); BOOL DCanRegisterCallback(int devno, void (_stdcall *Callback)(LPVOID ));


    Index of SJA1000-controller to use (starting with 0).
    Pointer to a callback function.

    Return Values

    If this function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
    If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. Additional error-information is availlable through CanGetLastError


    This function must be called before CanStartReceiveQueue.
    To change the callback, simply call this function again.
    Before the application is closed, this function must be called with parameter NULL.


    OS Versions: Windows CE 4.2 and later.
    Header: gfcan32ce.h
    Link Library: singlecan.lib (one sja1000-controller), dualcan.lib (two or more sja1000-controller)

    See Also

    SJA1000 Can Bus Support