• Ready for review
  • CanWriteDescriptor

    The function CanWriteDescriptor in its acceptance -code and -mask of the SJA1000-controller.

    BOOL CanWriteDescriptor(ULONG place, ULONG descr, ULONG mask); BOOL DCanWriteDescriptor(int devno, ULONG place, ULONG descr, ULONG mask);


    Index of SJA1000-controller to use (starting with 0).
    0, ignored.
    The value stored to the acceptance-code register of the SJA1000.
    The value stored to the acceptance-mask register of the SJA1000.

    Return Values

    If this function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
    If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. Additional error-information is availlable through CanGetLastError


    Default value for the acceptance-code is 0 and -1 for the acceptance-mask. This results in no message beeing accepted.
    Function must be called at least once on startup of the application.


    OS Versions: Windows CE 4.2 and later.
    Header: gfcan32ce.h
    Link Library: singlecan.lib (one sja1000-controller), dualcan.lib (two or more sja1000-controller)

    See Also

    SJA1000 Can Bus Support