• Ready for review
  • AC97_Read

    This function is responsible for reading the codec register specified by the Offset parameter and returning it back to the calling function. The contents will be passed by reference to the Data pointer.

    short int AC97_Read( BYTE Offset, unsigned short int * Data, BYTE DevId );


    Offset-parameter of the codec-register.

    Pointer to the variable that receives the data read.

    0, reserved for future use.

    Return Values

    If the function succeeds, the return value is SUCCESS.
    If the function fails, the return value is FALSE.


    Don't call AC97_Lock before using this function. It will use the same Mutex to lock access to the AC97-Link!!


    OS Versions: Windows CE 4.2 and later.
    Header: drvlib_app.h
    Link Library: drvlib_app.lib

    See Also

    AC97_Write, AC97_Lock, AC97_Init