Linux 5.4, Trizeps VII
  • In progress
  • Linux 5.4, Trizeps VII

    Gitlab Access:







    Linux 5.4 based on NXP 5.4.24_2.1.0



    How to Build Linux Kernel for Trizeps VII

    This is only a quick-reference on how to build a Linux Kernel including the Seco specific changes.
    For details please view the Linux and NXP i.MX6 documentation.

    Get the Linux source code from the git repository:

    $ git clone https://git.seco.com/seco-ne/kernel/linux-imx-kuk.git -b kuk_5.4_t7

    Setup Cross-Build environment (View Software-Development-Kit on how to install.):

    $ source /opt/fsl-imx-fb/5.4-zeus/environment-setup-cortexa9t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi

    Build Linux Kernel from source code:

    ~/linux-imx$ make trizeps7_defconfig ~/linux-imx$ make -j$(nproc)

    This will generate the linux kernel ('zImage') and device-tree binary ('*.dtb') files.

    After you generated the kernel you might want to build the kernel modules:

    Update Kernel

    Updating the kernel involves copying the 'zImage' and the contents of the MODULES directory to the device.

    Update ÂľSD-Card

    Mount the ÂľSD-Card and copy the kernel zImage and the device tree in the partition containing the linux file system:

    Copy the kernel-modules-directory to /lib/modules/ in the linux file system.

    An Ubuntu 18.04 Image with the 5.4.24 Linux Kernel and the 2020.07 U-Boot for Trizeps7 is available here: tr7-5_4_24-pconxs-edt7-debian-lxde-18.04-2021-07-12.imz
    Use the 'restore' function of the usb_image_tool.zip to copy it to an sd card.