  • In progress
  • KWLAN-Tool

    The KWLAN-Tool is a simple control-panel-applet which shows some useful advanced information on aavailablewireless networks and the WLAN-chip itself.

    On the Status-tab you see all access-points in range. The blue bar at the top indicates signal-strength.

    The Advanced-tab holds two buttons to enable and disable the WLAN device. This is useful to conserve power on battery-powered devices.
    Here is the code-snippet how it is done:

    BOOL PowerBGW211( BOOL fEnable) { BOOL ret = FALSE; HANDLE hNdisPwr; HANDLE hNdis; NDISPWR_SAVEPOWERSTATE SavePowerState; TCHAR DeviceName[8]; memset( &DeviceName[0], 0, sizeof( DeviceName)); wcscpy( &DeviceName[0], TEXT("BGW1")); hNdisPwr = CreateFile( (PTCHAR)NDISPWR_DEVICE_NAME, 0x00, 0x00, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, (HANDLE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (hNdisPwr != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SavePowerState.pwcAdapterName = &DeviceName[0]; if ( fEnable) SavePowerState.CePowerState = PwrDeviceUnspecified; else SavePowerState.CePowerState = D4; if (!DeviceIoControl( hNdisPwr, IOCTL_NPW_SAVE_POWER_STATE, &SavePowerState, sizeof(NDISPWR_SAVEPOWERSTATE), NULL, 0x00, NULL, NULL)) MessageBox( NULL, TEXT("Could not set Device PowerState!"), TEXT("Error"), MB_OK); CloseHandle(hNdisPwr); } { CEDEVICE_POWER_STATE Dx = PwrDeviceUnspecified; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; int nChars; nChars = _sntprintf( szName, MAX_PATH-1, _T("%s\\%s"), PMCLASS_NDIS_MINIPORT, &DeviceName[0]); szName[MAX_PATH-1]=0; if(nChars != (-1)) { if (fEnable) SetDevicePower(szName, POWER_NAME, PwrDeviceUnspecified); else SetDevicePower(szName, POWER_NAME, D4); } } hNdis = CreateFile( DD_NDIS_DEVICE_NAME, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if ( hNdis != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwReturned; if (fEnable) ret = DeviceIoControl( hNdis, IOCTL_NDIS_BIND_ADAPTER, &DeviceName[0], (_tcslen(&DeviceName[0])+2) * sizeof(TCHAR), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); else ret = DeviceIoControl( hNdis, IOCTL_NDIS_UNBIND_ADAPTER, &DeviceName[0], (_tcslen(&DeviceName[0])+2) * sizeof(TCHAR), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); CloseHandle( hNdis); } return ret; }

    With PCTI-tab you can obtain information about the WLAN-chip. Press Load PCTI Firmware. This will load a special test-firmware, which is able to get the information.
    Press Load Driver Firmware to return to normal operation mode.

    Download & Install



    Copy kwlan.cpl to the \windows-directory of the device.
    Than run Start→Settings→Control Panel.
    Start the tool with the KWLAN-icon.