Building a Windows CE 5.0 Image for Trizeps4 from Scratch
  • In progress
  • Building a Windows CE 5.0 Image for Trizeps4 from Scratch

    This application note will guide you through the steps needed, to create an own Windows CE 5 image. This is demonstrated for a BSP for Trizeps IV, but the steps will almost also apply for Trizeps5, Trizeps2 and Trizeps3.


    First of all you need to install Microsoft's Platform Builder for Windows CE 5.0. If asked during install for which platforms, you must select ARMV4I and XScale. If you already have an installation, you can add those platform, by running the Platform-Builder installer. Before using the latest Trizeps-BSP, update the Platform-Builder usingMicrosoft's download page.
    Install the Seco BSP for Trizeps IV.

    Creating a new Project

    • Start the Platform Builder and select File –> New Platform.

    • Name your Workspace/Project. In this example we will use Demo.

    • Select which Board-Support-Package to use. Since this is an example for Trizeps4 use TR4CONXS.

    • Select a design-template that matches your needs. Normally I would suggest a small template, like Industrial Controller, so only components needed by your project are added. For this example we will use Enterprise Webpad to have some file-viewers and other Windows CE application to play with.

    • The following New Platform Wizard-pages allow us to add further components. Don't worry too much if you forgot to select a component here. Adding and removing components can be done later. In this example add ActiveSync. This is a nice tool, you would probably want and need for debugging your application.

    • Add Wired Local Area Networking to support the ethernet-chip of the Trizeps4.

    • Depending on components added, some security warnings might get displayed.

    • Press Finish to exit the wizard.

    Modify a Project

    After the New Platform Wizard has generated a new workspace, you may want to do some modifications.


    On the left you see the OS Design View and on the right the Catalog. If those windows are not shown, use View-menu to add them.
    The OS Design View will show the catalog-items, which are included into your Windows CE Image. The catalog shows items, which may be inserted. This can be done via drag&drop or by a mouse-right-click on the catalog-item and selecting Add to OS Design:


    Go ahead and add the Trizeps USB Slave item. If you done that, it appears in the OS Design View but has a little cross in the lower left corner.


    If you do a mouse-right-click and select Show why Item is Excluded from Image, platform-builder will tell you, that you need to add one of the following: RNDIS Client, Mass Storage or Serial.

    Since we want to use USB-Slave for ActiveSync connections, choose to add the Serial catalog item. Search the catalog for Serial by selecting the catalog-window and pressing ctl+f (strg+f on german keyboards).


    Add the Serial USB-Function Client item and the red-cross will disappear and show a red triangle instead. This indicates, that this component was added manually. Items without a red triangle are included because of an dependancy.
    Now add some storage device drivers of the Trizeps module, like DiskOnChip, IPSM3700 ( \flashdisk; it uses part of the NOR-flash) and SDMMC. After adding SDMMC, you will note that again a component is missing (SD Memory).

    The Trizeps Board-Support-Package adds some default drivers and components. If you wish to delete them, Platform-Builder might give an error message:


    When this is shown you might need to modify the .\wince500\platform\tr4conxs\custom\tr4conxs.bat. Remove set PLAT_PCMCIA=1 and do a Platform –> Refresh Catalog Items.

    Build a Project

    If you think you are done with your modifications, call Build OS –> Sysgen.

    Wait. . . . . .

    After several minutes the build should complete with:

    Three files are generated:

    • nk_ram.nb0 ( Image will be loaded to RAM and execute).

    • nk_rom.nb0 ( Image will be stored to flash (uncompressed); view Flash Division of Trizeps I to VI, because this file is usually too large).

    • nk_zip.nb0 ( Image will be stored to flash (compressed))

    What's next. . . .

    After your created those images you may proceed to download them to your Trizeps-module. Take a look at the bootloader documentation for information on how to do this.

    In the next step you might want to add further features or delete some to reduce size or licensing cost.
