• Ready for review
  • I2C_Read

    The function I2C_Read reads one byte from the I2C-Bus.

    UCHAR I2C_Read( int acktype ); UCHAR i2c_ReadByte( int acktype );


    Possible values are IIC_ACK or IIC_NACK.

    Return Values

    If the function succeeds, the return value is the desired byte read.

    If the function fails, the return value is -1.


    Issues following sequence:

    • Read one byte from I2C.

    Function is not protected by Mutex; view I2C_Lock and I2C_Unlock.


    OS Versions: Windows CE 4.2 and later.
    Header: drvlib_app.h
    Link Library: drvlib_app.lib

    See Also

    I2C_Write, I2C_ReadEx