Depending on the configuration and following revisions, the features of the board are subject to change. For detailed information on hardware specifications, please visit
SBC-pITX-EHL is a PicoITX compliant module with the Intel® Atom® x6000E Series and Intel® Pentium® and Celeron® N and J Series processors. Designed and optimized for Functional Safety (FuSa) applications, this module offers flexibility, reliability, and safety for a wide range of applications across multiple industries.
For ordering purposes, the SBC-pITX-EHL is referred to by its base code, “D63”.
How can I use GPIO/I2C/SPI peripherals?
Please refer to the following instructions to prevent damage!
D63 has 2 connectors to use GPIOs and other peripherals like I2C, SPI, PWM and QEP. Here you can find the schematic:
To make those functionalities available on all boards, and for more flexibility, they are not multiplexed by HW, but is all managed in the BIOS setup. Here you can find a table on where functionalities are available:
Legend: SOC → Chipset peripheral
EC → Embedded controller peripheral
| Windows (RH Proxy) | Linux (Native driver) | EAPI |
QEP0 |
QEP1 |
PWM1 (SOC PWM06) |
PWM2 (SOC PWM02) |
SOC I2C0 |
EC I2C0 |
SOC I2C1 |
EC I2C1 |
GPIO 0-7 (EC) |
GPIO 0-7 (SOC) |
By default, all pins are set as Input Hi-Z. So, if you want to use another funtionality, you need to enable it on setup. Here are 2 tables on how to enable peripherals and what you can use simultaneously:
| SOC SPI1 | SOC SPI3 | EC SPI | QEP0 | QEP1 | PWM1 (SOC PWM06) | PWM2 (SOC PWM02) | SOC I2C0 | EC I2C0 | SOC I2C1 |