Boot-Bitmap ( Trizeps VI)
  • Ready for review
  • Boot-Bitmap ( Trizeps VI)

    The Trizeps6 can show a splash screen during the device’s start. The Windows CE OS image can then take the display parameters from this splash screen. This allows an easy change of the display, without the need to modify the Windows CE OS image.

    See BitmapBoot Tool ( Trizeps II - V) if you want to show a BootBitmap on Trizeps2,3,4 or 5.

    On Trizeps6 you need to create two files:

    • The bitmap to be shown.

    • A script that includes the display settings.

    Creation of the Bootlogo

    Simply create a bitmap with your favorite paint-program. It must have 8Bpp color-depth ( in Windows Paint choose to save as 256 color bitmap)

    This picture should be the same resolution as the display. If not, it is automatically stretched to fit the display-size.


    The Trizeps6 got a boot-partition from which it can load files and scripts. The display-script can be put into autoboot.bat or a script, which is referenced by autoboot.bat.

    Example of a display-script for the ConXS-Evaluation board:

    640 CxScreen ! 480 CyScreen ! 0x8000001b ClockDivider ! 0x2 HBackPorch ! 0x35 HFrontPorch ! 0x19 HSyncWidth ! 0x1 VBackPorch ! 0x2 VFrontPorch ! 0x1 VSyncWidth ! 0xc SyncPolarity ! 0x2 BufferStrength ! display boot nanddisk wince.bmp 0x10 0xbb7a0000 !16 0x10 0xbb700000 !16

    The parameter names are the same as in the registry ( Display Parameters).
    With the bootloader-command display, the display-controller is initialized with the current settings. boot nanddisk wince.bmp loads a picture with the name wince.bmp into the current framebuffer. The last two lines are specific to the ConXS and enable the backlight. When using a Trizeps6 without WLAN/BT, replace the last two lines with:

    0x10 0xbd700000 !16

    See Trizeps6 CPLD for details.

    Store Boot Script and Picture

    The script can be run from SD-card. The boot-picture may also reside there.
    If you want to store it to the internal boot-partition follow these steps:

    1. Create a autoboot.bat ( see Display-Script).

    2. Create a boot-picture ( i.e. wince.bmp).

    3. Store both files on a SD-Card.

    4. Plug SD-Card and enter bootloader:

    5. Remove previous boot-script and picture ( i.e. with del autoboot.bat and del wince.bmp)

    6. Run store mmc autoboot.bat autoboot.bat

    7. Run store mmc wince.bmp wince.bmp

    Note that the filenames should not be longer than 8 characters and do not begin with a number!!