Installation of Flash-n-Go for Trizeps VIII Plus
This instruction is created for pConXS v2r2 in combination with Trizeps VIII Plus v1r2 or v1r3/v1r4 („Standard Versions“)
Other Baseboards/Modules (i-PAN, Myon, …) are not supported.
For a general introduction to Flash-N-Go System and the partition structure see Flash-N-Go Infrastructure.
Note: The live operating system Flash-N-Go System is available for many platforms. But the related tools Flash-N-Go Boot and Flash-N-Go Update are deprecated tools and not available on i.MX8, i.MX9 and the Genio processor series.
Start live system
Activate serial download mode on the Trizeps module (see Enter USB Serial Download Mode)
Connect a USB-A-to-USB-A cable to the lower USB-Port on the pConXS
Start the UUU script from the Flash-N-Go System image folder. Make sure to use the appropriate script
for your device combination.The Flash-N-Go live system should be loaded into the RAM
Install Bootloader (U-Boot), Flash-N-Go System and Yocto OS (Online)
The Flash-N-Go System and U-Boot artifacts must be available on a USB pen drive or via a web server -
Note: As an example, we'll use a precompiled OS Release available from the SECO Azure Storage.
Run the Bootloader install script
export URL=
# Install U-Boot
curl --progress-bar $URL/ | sh -s -- --force-repartition --force-reformat --no-AB
Run the Flash-N-Go System install script
export URL=
# Install Flash-N-Go System using the appropriate devicetree
curl --progress-bar $URL/ | sh -s -- -d seconorth-trizeps8plus-pconxs_v3-atm0700.dtb
Run the Yocto OS install script
export URL=
curl --progress-bar $URL/ | sh -s -- -d seconorth-trizeps8mplus-pconxs_v3-atm0700.dtb
Note: For a full listing of the available parameters of the install scripts, run the script with -h.
Installation from pen drive / USB stick (Offline)
Note: The steps for starting the live system must also be run for the offline installation.
Instead of loading the artifacts from a web server, they can also be placed on a USB drive and applied
without a network connection.Place the Bootloader and Flash-N-Go System artifacts in one folder and the Yocto OS artifacts in
another folder on the USB drive.Connect the USB drive to the pConXS.
Mount the USB drive to a folder of your choice and change into the Flash-N-Go System folder on the
USB drive.Run the install scripts for U-Boot and Flash-N-Go System
Change to the Yocto OS folder and run the Yocto OS install script
Additional setup steps
The OS uses a special config partition that stores persistent device info. To initialize this partition run
sconfig init.
For more info about the sconfig tool see Flash-N-Go Infrastructure.
Flash-n-Go System (select latest version): Flash-n-Go System Releases