Trizeps IV WL EEPROM Configuration
Trizeps IV WL EEPROM Configuration
Configuration of the Trizeps IV WL EEPROM is only needed in special cases.
If advanced settings or wireless testing is required, request the tools from Seco. The NXP-PCTI-tool will need a special adapter connected to the Trizeps-module.
Delivery state of BGW211
Every BGW211 is tested individually by NXP and gets its own calibration parameters stored in the manufacturer section of the EEPROM. These parameters should be sufficient to operate the module with correct HF-settings. The customer section of the EEPROM is left blank. After testing the Trizeps4 WL, a customer section is burned with minimal settings (MAC-address and default-domain set to ETSI). Delivery of Trizeps4-WL modules can be done with a custom Customer Section.
Changing parameters for a product
The parameters used are calculated by Customer + Manufacturer Section. Many parameters of the Customer Section are deltas to the absolute-values of the Manufacturer Section. Don’t erase the Manufacturer Section (During development a backup of this section is recommended). Normally customers should not deal with most of the HF-parameters. If you have the appropriate measurement equipment, fine-tuning of those parameters is possible.
The only values you should modify (if needed) are the Regulatory Domain Information Element and the Default Domain.
Customer Section
The Customer Section is organized with a list of information-elements. See BGW211 EEPROM Configuration Guide for details.
2 Bytes | n Bytes | 2 Bytes |
Length of Customer Section (= n Bytes for elements) | Elements | Checksum |
1 Byte | 1Byte | n Bytes |
Element ID | Length of Element | Content of Element |
Usage of the PCTI Tools v1.1
Connect PC with the BGW211 using UART.
Click Connect DUT.
Choose PCTI Firmware with
(\PCTI_Toolset_1.1\Testware\\UART\mmc_211.rec ).Load Firmware with
.Go to Tab